Following a collection of heart felt conversations with young fathers in a similar season life as myself, I wanted to create an illustration that spoke of legacy. The transfer of knowledge, values, morals, & skills that will support our children in an ever changing world to empathise with others & to extend love in action. I want my boys to go beyond where I’ve been... to have a greater vantage point in how to help shape the community around them for the better. Some days I question my own influence & impact as a young father. In those still moments when I’m circling around in my own head, I’ll occasionally find one of my boys gently come along side, place his hand on my head & cuddle up next to me. Sometimes words (or as Brennan Manning says ‘the poverty of the English language’) are not needed because love transcends. Let us collectively champion each other forward through the storm stricken skies & remind each other that hope never fails.